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Roman Castles or the Castelli Romani is the group of charming towns on the south-east of Rome in the corresponding Latium Vetus. All the towns are scattered on the Alban hills, and they are very rich in its history. The most famous of them are Frascati, Albano, Ariccia, Castel Gandolfo, Rocca Priora, Nemi, Lanuvio.

Nov 30, 2013
Castelli Romani

Just there the first settlements of Latins were located with their legendary city of Alba Longa - the birthplace of the twins Romulus and Remus. In its place now Castel Gandolfo flaunts, which for several centuries, is the summer residence of the Pope.
The name «Castelli Romani» started using fairly recently, in the XIV century. It is associated with the mass migration of many families in the Roman castles of their masters (Savelli, Orsini, Colonna). On the area of the castles the bright life of the Roman nobility was flowed for centuries: holidays, feasts, games and all kinds of fun collected a huge number of people not only from the entire neighborhood, but also from remote areas.
Roman Castles draw people from around the world in our days too. With their unique location Roman Castles are renowned for stunning panoramas: the mysterious Lake of Albano and Lake of Nemi having volcanic origin, blooming even in winter, trees and flowers, shady and winding road. Besides the natural beauty, the Castelli Romani have a lot of artistic and historical beauties: the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati, mosaic in the Abbey of St. Nile in Grottaferrata, the Roman Theatre in Monte Porzio Catone, museum ships in Nemi.
The list of attractions of the Roman Castles continues their wonderful local cuisine. Gourmets from all over the world come here to enjoy the traditional dish of pork "porketta" of Ariccia, fragrant bread of Lariano, incomparable roasted chestnuts of Rocca di Papa, sweet strawberries of Nemi, and, of course, the famous wine «Castelli» of Frascati .

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